Dr Michael Deeks
Senior Lecturer in Plant Biology
Geoffrey Pope M05
Geoffrey Pope Building, University of Exeter , Stocker Road, Exeter, EX4 4QD, UK
I am a cell biologist with an interest in cell polarity; specifically the way plant cells respond to spatial information to guide their immune responses.
The cells of complex plants have an acute awareness of the events occurring immediately beyond their walls and make spatially precise responses to any perceived threat. Potentially pathogenic microbes cause plant defences to focus within a few square microns of the plant cell surface. This process can be summarised as 'pathogen-oriented cell polarisation'. The response is effective against most microbes but successful pathogens evade these counter-measures to establish infection.
My group aims to understand how multiple cell processes are co-ordinated as a system to achieve this important response that underpins the plant immune system.
1998 - 2001 University of Leeds. PhD Genetics.
1995 - 1998 University of Leeds. B.Sc. Hons. Genetics.
- 7/98 - 9/98 Research Assistant, John Innes Institute, Norwich.
- 10/01 - 6/13 Senior Research Associate/Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Durham University.
- 7/13 - 10/17 Lecturer in Plant Biology, Biosciences, University of Exeter.
- 10/17 - Present Senior Lecturer, Biosciences, University of Exeter
Research Themes
Research interests
Our research aims to understand the response of plant cells to localised pathogen assault. Changes in cell architecture support the plant immune system and an understanding of this response could potentially be exploited to protect key crops.
We are investigating the mechanisms co-ordinating this spatially focused phenomenon using advanced light microscopy combined with a broad range of molecular, genetic and biochemical techniques. We are particularly interested in how the plant-pathogen interface emerges from the co-ordination of several processes:
- Microbe perception
- Cytoskeletal re-arrangement
- Long-range cargo transport
- Exocytosis (cargo delivery)
- Endocytosis (cargo recovery)
We are developing bioimage informatics and modelling approaches to better understand the relationships between these different players in both model plants and key cereals.
Research projects
- Dynamics of vescile delivery to the plant-pathogen interface.
- Live cell imaging of plant-pathogen interfaces in wheat using advanced light microscopy and recombinant fluorescent proteins.
Research Themes
Journal articles
External Engagement and Impact
Committee/panel activities
- Chair of the Society of Experimental Biology Cytoskeletal Special Interest Group
- Chair UK Biochemical Society ‘Cells’ theme panel (2019-2023).
- Primary PI for the GW4-wide Imaging Network (funded by the GW4 communities programme).
Workshops/Conferences organised
- Co-organiser for ‘Dynamic Cell V’ joint BSCB / Biochem. Soc. meeting, 2023.
- Co-organiser for ‘Dynamic Cell IV’ joint BSCB / Biochem. Soc. meeting, 2021.
- Co-organiser for ‘Imaging Pathogenesis’, SEB Annual Meeting (Sweden 2017).
- Co-organiser for Royal Microscopical Society Botanical Meeting (Exeter 2015).
- Co-organiser 'Imaging to Mathematical Modelling' (Exeter 2013).
- Local coordinator (Durham) for EPSO 'Fascination of Plants Day 2012'.
Level 1:
- NSC1003 - Foundations in Natural Science (lecturer)
Level 2:
- BIO2099 - Molecular Plant Science (coordinator)
- NSC2001 - Frontiers in Science 2 (co-coordinator)
Level 3:
- BIO3096 - Biosciences Research Project
- NSC3001 - Natural Sciences BSc Research Project
Level 4:
- NSC3002 - Natural Sciences MSc Research Project
- NSCM009 - Bioimaging (coordinator)
I am a tutor for Natural Sciences and Biosciences undergraduate students.
Supervision / Group
Postdoctoral researchers
- Dominique Arnaud (PI Prof. Nick Smirnoff)
- Anja Nenninger
- Stefan Sassmann (Co-I Christian Soeller, Physics)
- Graham Thomas (PI Prof. Ken Haynes)
Postgraduate researchers
- Laura Baggaley (Supervised at Rothamsted Research by Kim Hammond-Kosack)
- John Puddy (Co supervised by David Horsell, Physics)
- Ellie Sloman (Co supervised by David Horsell, Physics)
- One mathematical PhD. studentship is currently open for UK and EU applicants (deadline 4 December 2017). The primary supervisor for this project is David Richards (Physics). Title: 'Mathematical modelling of phytopathogen-targeted secretionpathways'.
- One molecular phytopathology PhD. studentship is currently open for UK and EU applicants (deadline 4 December 2017). The primary supervisor for this project is Steve Bates, and the co-supervisor is Jason Rudd (Rothamsted Research). Title: 'Role of the fungal cell wall in plant pathogen interactions andvirulence'.
- Francesco Valente (Co supervised by Stefano Pagliara, LSI)
- Kathryn Grant
- Dr. Stephen Milne
- Dr. Cecilia Rodrigues (visiting researcher)